Basement after walnut and amber acid stain service

Acid Stained Overlay

Acid Stained Overlay

Acid Staining a basement floor can be really exciting – and very unpredictable! Each and every acid-stained piece of concrete is unique to every individual slab. That is what makes acid staining so exciting and adventurous( one has to be prepared for the “unexpected” ). The process of acid staining can be somewhat cumbersome, however. Not every basement floor is ready for staining without a lot of preparation…as this video demonstrates.

Experience has shown that the more authentic the concrete surface and finish can appear, the more brilliant and vibrant the acid staining will show through. Acquiring the concrete finishes’ authenticity can be a bit tricky. Care must be taken to use the right materials in order to achieve the legitimate “Slick/Smooth” troweled concrete finish to get the very best results with the acid stain applied to the floor. The smoother the finish, the more beautiful the colors are reflected through the concrete finish. The process is similar to staining wood…the more grain and patterns that show through the surface, the more spectacular the colors are reflected as well.

Once the process is completed and the floor has been sealed you now have virtually a Maintenance Free surface. Practically bulletproof!  Put down some cool-looking throw-rugs in your space and you’ve got a one-of-a-kind, that no one else has, flooring system that’s totally Awesome!!
Look at this acid-stained overlay on a basement floor that had to be ground down, cracks filled, and resurfaced before the Acid Stains could be applied.

Contact Us for Acid Stained

Give us a call today and Concrete Design Systems will send out a pro floor estimator to give you a Free onsite proposal for your concrete floor. Call us today at 801-376-5143.

Basement after walnut and amber acid stain service


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